Friday, June 05, 2009
Ok, Here's the deal
see more Lolcats and funny pictures
The company I work for ( whom I'm not mentioning by name for a reason- I don't want any "Google search" hits) is starting a brand new program in their pharmacies. It sounds interesting and scary at the same time, but one of the things we'd heard ( and they are keeping a VERY tight lid on details!) is that staff reductions are a major part of it. Up to 50% of the present staff will be "severanced" out.
We had thought that the meetings Tuesday were to be the first part of the "re-interviews" to keep our jobs. But it was a talk with a HR Lawyer, about what our options were, and how the whole process was going to be handled.
Basically, I have 2 choices:
1- Go through the interviews, tests, etc. and take the chance that I will retain my job. If I don't- I get about 12 weeks pay, and a "so long, thanks for the memories". No other benefits. NADA! ( AND because of the way they are working it- IE the "severances", you do NOT qualify for unemployment!!!)
2- Because I have 26+ years, I can take a "Voluntary Severance" package, which basically means I will get a year's pay ( 2 weeks for every year worked) and can keep my medical for at least 6 months, perhaps up to a year.
Seniority is not an "edge" in this process. Recomendations from your bosses are only 1/3 of the total process. And they will put you where they see fit- not necessarily where you want to work ( in other words, I could get stuck working and a 24 hour store on the graveyard shift!) You take what they give- or you're out.
This whole thing has had me depressed for days. I'm only 4 & 1/2 years from qualifying for retirement from this company ( which would have allowed me to keep ALL of my benefits for life!) I've worked my arse off to be the best employee I can be. I've gone into work sick, the day after a surgery, and been what I always thought a good employee was supposed to be...... And now this?
Needless to say, after a long, LONG, talk with Jon, and an equally long talk with Mr. P, and my pharmacy Manager ( hereafter called "L") I've decided to go with option #2. Which means sometime in July/early August, I will no longer have a job.
I've been working my whole life. So many of the things I'd been taught about work-ethic and such has become a big-old rug that has been yanked out from under me. Oh, I know I'll get by. And I'm sure I'll find another job ( I've got a year- that's more than most people out of work these days!) But this whole situation just SUCKS! I love my job. I love the people I work with! My customers know my name, and treat me as a trusted friend.
Sorry, I'm just soooooo frustrated right now. It will take some time for me to be at peace about this. Just bare with me, OK?
Anyway, someone tell a good joke- I could use one right now!!!
The good news is- I'll have more time for this Blog, right?!
Yeah, keep thinking that KC!
Peace and Love, KC
Invisioned on |7:52 AM|
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Monday, June 01, 2009
I'm still here
But I have to go to a meeting tomorrow morning. One that could change my life. Our company is starting a new pharmacy program that could see me jobless after 26 years of hard work and dedication .
Wish me luck.
Peace & Love, KC
Invisioned on |10:26 PM|
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